Ana Saenz de Miera

Photo of Ana Saenz de Miera; person dressed in a white shirt smiling at the camera, arms crossed. Background of a corner in between a white wall and a large window overlooking a street
Od pracowniczki/pracownika Ashoki

Ana Saenz de Miera

Director Next Now

Ana Sáenz de Miera is leading Next Now: Ashoka´s initiative to build new emerging fields in social entrepreneurship and organize the whole Ashoka global community around them. Previously, Ana served as Ashoka Spain Country Representative for 7 years, creating a movement in Spain that brings together social entrepreneurs, companies, public administration, youth and schools to work towards a society where everyone realizes their changemaking potential.

Ana’s leadership started young. As a scout member from the age of 8, she was taught early what it means to see a problem, have an idea, and to make it happen. Since then she has never stopped leading towards social change in a way that inspires many others to be changemakers. 

She was born in Spain and holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, diploma in Social Sciences, Master in Humanities and Master in Clinical Psychology, and has been recognized as one of the Top 100 Female Leaders in Spain for a number of years.
Ana has held a number of board positions. Amongst others, she was vice-president of Fundación Cotec (the Spanish institution that promotes innovation as the driver for social and economic, of which King Felipe VI is Honorary President), and member of the Board of Directors for Spanish Association of Foundations.