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Photo of a group of people in three levels and three rows: sitting, kneeling and standing. Photo shows the Ashoka Nigeria team as well as 6 Young Changemakers at a launch event for the EACH movement in Nigeria
Źródło: Ashoka Nigeria

Lagos, Ashoka partners to inspire changemaking for youths

This article originally appeared on Kosofe Post

"The Lagos State Government has partnered with Ashoka Young Changemaker, the largest global network of social entrepreneurs to launch a programme that will inspire changemakers between the age of 10 to 21 years.

The Co-Founder, Ashoka Young Changemakers (AYC), Mr Yashveer Singh, made this known during the official launching of “Everyone A Changemaker (EACH) Movement in Nigeria” in Lagos on Thursday.

Singh explained that with a population of over 200 million people, 62 per cent of whom were under the age of 21, Nigeria remains an important power on the African continent in inspiring the next generation of leaders and changemakers.

Singh, who is also the Global Director of the movement, added that this group of youths would in turn contribute to Africas development and create a better world for all."

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