Volunteering as a tool to connect with my spirituality

Story by: Vijay Darke

United States of America 🇺🇸

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Volunteering as a tool to connect with my spirituality

When I mentioned to people that I'm going to Kashmir to travel, many skeptic eyes rose up. "Why go there?" "You might get hurt". "It's not safe". When I came into Kargil, surrounded by people of a different religion, made me uneasy due to my previous conditioning, my stupid stereotypes. I was not sure what I was doing in this town famous for its 1999 War.

Then, the three weeks happened volunteering at a government school in Baroo. The three weeks were soaked with life defining moments. These people showered me with unconditional love. These people taught me simplicity. These people taught me kindness. Most importantly, these people gave me a new loving family. 
For me, travel has always been about people. And these three weeks have been about the students, the teachers, the people of Kargil and Shikhaji. Thank you to the students for being so humble, so kind and your overflowing hearts of innocent love. Thank you to the teachers for being selfless with your acts, being so genuine and your familial thoughfulness.Thank you to the people of Kargil for welcoming strangers with open arms and your penchant for simplicity. Lastly, thank you to Shikhaji for initiating this journey, for being a role model to look up to,  for thinking about the deserving kids and thank you for being a just a wonderful human.