Geertrui Serneels

Geertrui Serneels
ソース: Geertrui Serneels

We are delighted to announce that Geert Serneels has joined the network as our most recent Ashoka Belgium Fellow! Geert Serneels is the director of Solentra, an innovative organisation that provides refugee and migrant children with access to a more culturally sensitive and holistic mental health care.

The Fellow

To tackle the underutilization of mental healthcare services by refugee and migrant communities, Geert has designed a culturally sensitive and community-based outreach methodology called PACCT. Geert understands mental health as being a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that can be influenced by the different parts of an individual’s ecosystem. Therefore, to ensure that refugee and migrant children are supported at every level of their development, Geert has collaborated with public institutions, associations, professionals and refugee/migrant communities to ensure a healthy healing and adaptation process.

The Nominator

A special thank you to Geert's nominator, Magali Frankl, Corporate Citizen lead at Accenture. Magali has been following and supporting the evolution of Solentra through Accenture for many years. As the organisation grew and their impact spread, Magali became convinced of Geert's fit in the Ashoka Fellowship. With the Fellowship's peer-to-peer community, network of partners and opportunities for collaboration, Magali saw an opportunity for Solentra to spread its impact.

Learn More

Learn more about Geertrui Serneels and Solentra: