Change mindset change life: Story of changing Son Pisey's family from the poor to the rich one through spiritual change inside

Story by: Lorm Loeurm

Teyfik Sahin in a classroom
ソース: Gefangene helfen Jugendlichen

Cambodia 🇰🇭

Mss. Son Pisey was born in poorest family, Siem Reap, Cambodia. She has eight siblings. Her parents had not land for building house. They built a small hut on neighboring's land.  In 2009, Pisey applied for vocation training in Sewing School. At that time, I was also a member of recruitment team to check the applications. We found Pisey completed junior high school and will upgrade to high school in the coming year. When we saw that we did a short discussion with our director to move her to another project that support young female students in high school and beyond high school, and then our director agreed with us, so we decided to move her to a project called Program Advancing Girls Education-PAGE in order to support her to higher education.

Back to her family back, before we choose Pisey to PAGE, her father was a drunken man he always drank alcohol or beer every day, but not only a drunken man he also committed domestic violence to his wife and children often. One elder sister and two younger brothers of Pisey dropped out school because of poverty and no good care from parents due to parents were busy in using intoxicants and not job that can make incomes to support family. So, when we decided to take Pisey to PAGE, we went to meet them put the contract with them to abidance drinking and domestic violence by try working hard to support family and we promised to support Pisey to complete higher education, and they were agreed with us. Start from that time, her father started working with the carpenter in village to build the houses to villagers around his areas that can earn $10 per day and her mother made kinds of Khmer cakes to sell at the local market there every morning that can earn between $ 25 - $ 30 per day, and two younger brothers worked as workers at cassava fields that can earn $ 250 per month and two younger sisters keep going to school.

Eight years later, Pisey graduated bachelor degree in Human Resources Management Major at a private University Siem Reap City named Build Bright University-BBU and opened her own Coffee Shop that can generate appropriated incomes to support herself and her family. Two younger sisters completed high school and they are in University now. Her parents made enough money to buy land with 8,000 square meters for building new big and good house including buying farmland with 40,000 square meters, and all brothers and sisters have their own motors for transportation. The family is totally changed with eight years that we support Pisey to study in high school and University. Well attitude and character of Pisey incredibly effected to her family means that it changed from suffering to a happiness family and from the poor to the rich once. Now, they all are living in happy life.

My and I absolutely feel delighted and proud of them that they got awake from the darkness of violence and intoxication and then made strong fighting to prove family happiness and welfare. Based on this changing, we truly aware that real change is change within everybody first means that change inside the person is to change the mindset of the people like changing the mindset of Pisey’s parents. When they started to change, everything started to change too. So, the Spiritual Changemaker to me means is those who can influent someone to change the mindset from the bad mindset to the good mindset. Change mindset change life. In Pisey’s story, I mainly focus on changing her parent’s mindset and can change her family totally.