تؤمن أشوكا بأن أكبر قوة للتغييرهي وجود فكرة جديدة في يد الشخص المناسب. قام بيل درايتون بصياغة مصطلح "رائد الأعمال الإجتماعي" وذلك منذ عام 1980 حيث كانت أشوكا الرائدة في هذا المجال في البحث وإختيار ودعم رواد الأعمال الإجتماعيين الرائدين في العالم.
رواد الأعمال الإجتماعيون هم أفراد لديهم حلول مبتكرة للتحديات الاجتماعية والثقافية والبيئية الأكثر إلحاحًا في المجتمع.
إنهم يضعون حلول لتلك التحديات الأكثر إلحاحًا في المجتمع بفكرة مبتكرة لديهم رؤية وابتكار وتصميم والتزام بالتغيير الاجتماعي المنهجي في مجالاتهم.
إشوكا تحفز المنظمات والحركات حيث يمكن للجميع أن يكونوا صناع للتغيير ويغيرون أنظمة وأنماط وعادات المجتمع.
إن إحداث تأثير هو في صميم كونك رائد أعمال إجتماعي وهذا الأمر كله يتعلق بالشغف والابتكار والتعاون.
Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) and Ashoka have partnered together in promoting innovative solutions to challenging health problems since 2010. By exploring the intersection of social entrepreneurship, employee talent development, and healthcare networks the teams have co-designed "win-win" solutions to global healthcare challenges. Solutions have come through increasing individuals’ access to healthcare and community health issues, especially underserved populations. Over 5 years, the team has supported 75 Making More Health fellows in 47 countries, launched 3 global open-source competitions finding 800+ health innovations worldwide, and engage 10% of BI's global workforce of 45,000.
Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) and Ashoka have partnered together in promoting innovative solutions to challenging health problems since 2010. By exploring the intersection of social entrepreneurship, employee talent development, and healthcare networks the teams have co-designed "win-win" solutions to global healthcare challenges. Solutions have come through increasing individuals’ access to healthcare and community health issues, especially underserved populations. Over 5 years, the team has supported 75 Making More Health fellows in 47 countries, launched 3 global open-source competitions finding 800+ health innovations worldwide, and engage 10% of BI's global workforce of 45,000.
McKinsey & Company
A strategic consulting company, McKinsey & Company creates strategic missions and conducts evaluations of social impact studies for Ashoka and for Fellows around the world. McKinsey & Company also support Ashoka Fellows with personal consultations that will help launch and scale Fellows' strategy and impact.
McKinsey & Company
A strategic consulting company, McKinsey & Company creates strategic missions and conducts evaluations of social impact studies for Ashoka and for Fellows around the world. McKinsey & Company also support Ashoka Fellows with personal consultations that will help launch and scale Fellows' strategy and impact.
Deloitte provides accounting services to Ashoka including Payroll services, Tax administration, Yearly book closing and Audit support.