Selection criteria for CMS in Belgium

Teyfik Sahin in a classroom
Source: Gefangene helfen Jugendlichen
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Each year, Ashoka identifies a small number of schools which are shaping the education of tomorrow and which meet the following criteria:

  • Vision: the pioneering school is willing to create a generation of active, creative citizens who are aware of the societal issues surrounding them and of their own capacity to tackle them;
  • Innovation: the school has the will and capacity to envisage and experiment with new ideas and to set up innovative educational projects designed to develop young people’s social/emotional skills in order to nurture their changemaking spirit;
  • Potential to influence: the school has already had a significant impact on its environment. It has the capacity to inspire other schools, a willingness to share its practices and the potential to influence other schools on a wider scale;
  • Leadership: the school is united – management, teaching staff, pupils and parents – behind its projects and believes in the potential of each individual and in the importance of developing empathy. It collaborates effectively, possesses unquestionable moral fibre and is deeply convinced of the importance of its role in creating a society of changemakers.  


Nominate a school
Do you know a primary or secondary school that you think matches with the selection criteria? Send us its details to: