Network Search

Title Type Country Focus of work Election Year Organization
Balaji Sampath Fellow India 2005
Lalith Seneviratne Fellow Sri Lanka 2005
Jayanthi Dandeniya Fellow Sri Lanka 2005
Roberto Killmeate Fellow Argentina 2005
César Alejandro Silveyra Fellow Argentina 2005
John Richardson Fellow Canada 2005
Geoff Cape Fellow Canada 2005
Dennis Ole Sonkoi Fellow Kenya 2005
Lara Dee Fellow Brazil Development & Prosperity, Human Rights & Equity, Employment, Income generation, Women’s issues 2005
Jacira Melo Fellow Brazil Gender equity, Human Rights & Equity 2005
Rebeca Duarte Fellow Brazil Law and legal reform, Intercultural relations, Tolerance / pluralism, Civic Engagement, Peace & Harmonious Relations 2005
Shudarson Subedi Fellow Nepal Disability rights 2005
Rajiv Khandelwal Fellow India 2005
Ashok Bharti Fellow India Business & Social Enterprise, Children & Youth, Community development, Economic development, Human Rights & Equity, Information & communication technology, Poverty alleviation, Technology, Youth development, Health care, Arts & culture 2005
Magdy Aziz Fellow Egypt 2005