Ashoka Changemaker Schools in the Netherlands

Teyfik Sahin in a classroom
Source: Gefangene helfen Jugendlichen

It is no longer enough to be able to read, write, count or master particular know-how in order to play a decisive role in an increasingly complex and uncertain world: everyone must have both the confidence and the essential human qualities - empathy, more collaborative leadership, teamwork, risk and initiative, etc. - to be able to contribute actively to positively transform society. The Ashoka Changemaker Schools allow all students to become actors of change: young people with the skills and self-confidence to change the world for the good of all at their level.Moreover, they serve as prime examples of system-change within an existing structure.

Below, you can read more about the Changemaker Schools we have identified in The Netherlands. 


Casa school 1


The 'all day all year' approach of CASA, complements the Montessori education they offer. Providing individual educational paths taken by students is not only convenient for parents, it also creates flexibility in teaching hours and responds to the needs of the students. In line with the methodology of Maria Montessori, the children are being introduced to the concept of freedom and choice from an early age. This makes children studying at CASA grow up to be independent and responsible individuals since they learn how to take better care of themselves. By recognizing and respecting differences, Casa promotes equality and compassion among children, leading to a peaceful and stimulating learning environment.


LvG Netherlands


Leon van Gelder offers a unique educational program in which students stay in the same group and retain the same teachers throughout the educational process at the school. Also, students get to their final year figures based on their performance. The first three years they are evaluated only on participation and behavior. With a great emphasis on the development of social and collaborative skills, Leon van Gelder pays attention to the individual needs of each student through curriculum differentiation and the ability to do a variety of subjects at different levels of learning. This empathetic approach helps students to learn more about themselves, discover their strengths and work on their weaknesses. This way each student can develop into a motivated team player.



Niekée is an educational institution that recently is in transition from an innovative school to becoming a learning community where each student is guided in his or her individual persocialized curriculum. This new concept AGORA is made practical by technological developments, driven by curiosity and motivation of children to want to learn and comes with a great emphasis on the social and personal development of each child. This approach separates from the traditional concept of school and lets go of the idea of a curriculum completely. Niekée therefore provides a new and unique form of education, which helps students with the preparation, shaping and embracing all the challenges that will be encountered in the future.




UniC's educational philosophy is based on three core values: identity, belonging and autonomy. This vision translates into an educational practice that breaks with the traditional system, is formed by self-developed and digital educational materials and teaching offers multidisciplinary education domains. Personalized learning pathways and global citizenship projects bring in the outdoors and makes learning relevant and valuable. Because teachers also work in teams of teachers and by working in buddy circles, students are shaped to be excellent team players. As a core element in the educational mission of UniC, teamwork contributes greatly to the education of strong, critical and capable global citizens.




Passion and talent are the basis of learning at the Vathorst College. By encouraging students in those things where they are enthusiastic, they develop a growth mindset and they develop a lot of confidence. This school works with interdisciplinary curriculums in open learning areas instead of traditional classrooms plus students can take courses at different levels of education. Art and culture are interwoven with the curriculum and contribute to both the learning as the personal development of the students. Creating a stimulating learning environment in which involvement, confidence and mutual respect are key.




At United World College Maastricht the children are taught different than at other schools. Besides being prepared for the exams, they learn how to change the world. They educate with an emphasis on social encounters amongst students, with the community and in what manner they can bring about positive change. UWC Maastricht gained the international and unique concept form by providing a 'whole school'. The inspiring UWC education can be offered to a large group of students, aged 3 to 18 years. These children are embraced in a community where creativity and empathy are central to the curriculum and where durability and peace are the guidelines for educating caring global citizens




The innovative approach to education of has developed and established itself over the past few years, which has led to a stable learning environment, completely focused on the students.The core values that inform the educational approach of create an environment that focuses on the growth of students’ cognitive, physical, creative, and social-emotional development. Equality is at the basis of the learning practices and embeds empathy into the hearts and minds of the children. Students are taught the relationship between learning and life and how they have the potential to shape and change the world.


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The name of this school literally translates to “a sense of wonder”, which is at the foundation of their educational approach. With a strong focus on the possibilities that technological advancements in the classroom have to offer, students at De Verwondering learn by means of their personalized learning tracks and develop their social and emotional skills through value-based curricula and a strong sense of community. This school nurtures future leaders who will not only be able to manage themselves in an ever-changing world, but will do so with empathy.


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In order to teach children who they are and what their place is in the world, Mondomijn has reinvented their educational set-up. The future will require a different skillset from our children, and that is what Mondomijn intends to teach, but not without losing sight of the individual needs and personal development of every single child.The continuous trajectory of value-based development has been institutionalized in an Integrated Child Center, where children age 0-12 can now be accommodated 52 weeks a year.