Our vision for Education

We believe that anyone can become a changemaker. In order to empower every young person to become a changemaker, we need to change the way we educate young people.
Teyfik Sahin in a classroom
Source: Gefangene helfen Jugendlichen


CMS Belgium


We believe that anyone can become a changemaker. We want every young person to have the capacity and the drive to make change for the better, be it within their family, in their community, their country or across the whole world. In order to empower every young person to become a changemaker, we need to change the way we educate young people.

At Ashoka, we have identified 13 critical paths that are essential to creating an eco-system that nurtures changemakers. We need to:

Critical Paths



1° Attain support from social entrepreneurs and education experts 

Of the 3 000 social entrepreneurs in the Ashoka network, 1000 work in the field of education. Ashoka has identified a strong trend among a large number of these social entrepreneurs, which consists of seeking to develop a genuine “changemaking” spirit among young people. This is achieved by developing key qualities such as empathy, leadership, teamwork and also a capacity to take the initiative. Ashoka is therefore seeking to support this trend by strengthening this network, in particular by identifying social entrepreneurs who seek to consolidate the development of such qualities in young people. Extending and relying on this network of unique innovators is one of the key components of our approach.


2° Building a network of schools pioneering innovation  in Education

Ashoka is seeking to identify, select and above all support schools, which are already pushing the boundaries. This is achieved through using a successfully tested, rigorous methodology of identifying, selecting (validated by a panel of experts), supporting and promoting social entrepreneurs, adapting this approach to the education sector and to specific national characteristics. Over the past decade, Ashoka has set up a number of programs aimed at young people globally and the tools developed will be used to help grow this community of pioneers.

At a European level, Ashoka’s initiative is aimed at identifying and mobilising 50 social entrepreneurs and several hundred pioneering schools over the next three years. These schools are linked up, supported and have a converging, innovative and ambitious vision for the future of education. They receive support from a select and qualified group of 80 leading influencers to help bring about a profound evolution in the education systems. In Belgium, 14 schools were selected across the three communities – Flemish, Walloon and the capital Brussels. These schools are:


Villa da Vinci 

De Fontein

Athénée Royal Prince Baudouin


Atheneum Brussel

Saint-Joseph de Boondael



Robert Schuman Institut

Lycée Intégral Roger Lallemand

Middenschool Prins van Oranje

Centre Asty Moulin 


XCL Eigenwijs

Discover the first 4 Changemaker Schools that Ashoka Belgium has selected to be part of our global network:


Find out more about Selection criteria and process here: