Applications now open for the Impact Challenge on Safety!

By funding new and existing community
projects across Europe, we hope to support initiatives to counter hate and extremism, and
help young people to become confident digital citizens.

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Zero Project team would like to invite leading experts and organizations to nominate Innovative Practices and Policies concerning this year’s topic: Education

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Auction to raise funds at Equal Opportunities Foundation (in Hungarian)

Details in Hungarian below: Tisztelt Szülők, Ismerősök, Támogatók! Az Egyenlő esélyekért! Alapítvány nál csaknem 20 éve nyújtunk lakhatást, nappali ellátást fogyatékos emberek részére. Klienseink részére állapotuknak megfelelő egyéni segítségnyújtást, fejlesztést biztosítunk, ezzel is segítve...
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Report published by Ashoka’s Learning and Action Center

How are social entrepreneurs addressing Europe’s most pressing challenges?

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Press conference for Ashoka fellow, Nóra Ritók

Had the honor to take part in our fellow, Nóra Ritók’s press conference on re-branding their art-based enterprise Szuno.

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Impact Academy’s fifth module is successfully completed at KPMG

Ashoka and its partners combined small-group development work and informative presentation by program partners KPMG, 10xOne and Hiflylabs in order to prepare the participants to design and launch their own impact measurement systems. ELTE University’s social science students also supported the...
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Ashoka and Schneider Electric: Tackle Energy Poverty program

The Social Innovation to Tackle Energy Poverty Solutions Accelerator is an initiative co-created by Ashoka and the Schneider Electric Foundation, under the aegis of Fondation de France, with Enel Romania as local partner.

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Article on our Solutions Journalism program in Hungary

Ashoka and local partner Mérték are working on bringing solutions journalism to the Hungarian ecosystem. This article provides a short overview (in Hungarian) along with a description of our latest university workshop.
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Making More Health video – Eszter Harsányi

A newly published Making More Health video of our most recent fellow, Eszter Harsányi:
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Impact Academy – Third module is completed

The 3rd workshop of the Impact Academy program was held at KPMG on last Friday. For this occasion the focus was on DATA COLLECTION, the theoretical background was provided by Gábor Héra (HOLO.). We first heard about the different concepts of data collection, like monitoring, evaluation, impact...
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Exciting event on volunteerism! (in Hungarian)

2019. December 5-én van az önkéntesek nemzetközi napja, ennek megünneplésére tartjuk meg Solidarity:ON nevű rendezvényünket. Az ünnepségen inspiráló előadásokat hallhattok és izgalmas önkéntes projektek mutatkoznak be, valamint kiváló lehetőséget nyújt arra, hogy tapasztalt önkéntesfogadó...

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Apply now to this special edition ChangemakerXchange on Business for Purpose! In partnership with TOMS Europe and social entrepreneur Sara Nuru, Ashoka & Changemakerxchange will bring 20 of the most disruptive and creative young innovators with social business models from across Europe to a unique...
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