Hello Europe Policy Salon: #MigrationReset
COVID-19 has exposed the cracks in social, environmental, and economic models underlying many high-income societies, and started conversations many previously thought too difficult. One of these conversations is around undocumented migrant workers: the role that they play in many of our value chains, the often-dire working conditions they suffer under, and the right policy moves to confront these inequalities, both now and in the future.
Since the start of the pandemic, different European countries have either implemented or considered the regularization of undocumented migrant workers as a response and, hopefully, as the start of a more ambitious policy reform process. Before COVID-19 hit, the EU was already moving toward a new migration governance model that combined the necessary control of borders with the equally important humanitarian and labor market objectives, both of which are in our long-term interest.
The ability of our societies to design and implement innovative models for human mobility, adapted to the needs of the 21st century, require an unprecedented transformation in the way we see the role of migrant labor in our economy, both regular and irregular.
Our policy salon will address the challenges and opportunities of this process, counting with the participation of:
- Helen Dempster, Assistant Director and Senior Associate for Policy Outreach for Migration, Displacement, and Humanitarian Policy, Centre for Global Development
- Gonzalo Fanjul, Ashoka Fellow and co-founder at porCausa
- Marta Foresti, Director of ODI Europe
- Barry Kane, Migration Rights Activist
- Andrew Selee, President of the Migration Policy Institute
- Rebekah Smith, Executive Director Labor Mobility Partnerships
The salon will take place on Wednesday, 18 September from 15:00 to 17:00 CET. More information, suggested readings and registration here.