Gabriela M.

Ashoka Young Changemaker
Gabriela é uma jovem branca com cabelos médios castanhos. Ela usa óculos e olha para o lado
Elected in 2023

About Gabriela M.

At Girl Up Campinas and Valinhos, Gabriela promotes actions to combat period poverty.

Through her participation in Interact, a Rotary program, Gabriela first encountered the issue of menstrual dignity. This topic personally touched her and led her to join Girl Up Campinas and Valinhos club. The initiative began with a campaign to collect sanitary pads for donation to low-income populations and expanded to include activities such as mapping individuals who menstruate and are experiencing homelessness and launching new donation campaigns.

Recognizing the complexity of the issue, Gabriela created the AME workshop within the club. This project organizes conversation circles on menstrual education and self-awareness, accompanied by pamphlets and exercises. The workshops aim to provide girls, women, and people who menstruate with greater knowledge about their bodies and all the changes that occur within them. Additionally, the workshops include sessions on creating eco-friendly sanitary pads.

With a team of seven members, decisions at Girl Up Campinas and Valinhos are made collectively. Gabriela previously served as the general coordinator and now leads the AME workshops, which are conducted in collaboration with other youth collectives. The club's actions have already had several impacts, including the collection and distribution of sanitary pads and the mobilization of volunteers, partners, and even the local government.