Ashoka Young Changemakers


Ashoka Young Changemakers (AYC) is a global network of powerful young people who are creating an Everyone A Changemaker world.

Each Ashoka Young Changemaker has launched social initiatives, formed peer-led teams, and created solutions for the good of all while activating others to join in.

Now, they are stepping up to shape a global conversation in redefining what it means to be a young person growing up in today’s world.



Being in a community of young changemakers who are fighting for their own causes really opened up my mind and made me humble. I'm grateful for Ashoka that provides a platform to connect and unite us all. 

Ashoka Young Changemaker & EWasteRJ
RJ Indonesia AYC

I believe in the power of intergenerational and intersectional collaboration in bringing a more holistic change. The community in Ashoka has the ability to facilitate that connection, which will help us grow

Ashoka Young Changemaker & State of Youth Sukabumi
Headshot of AYC Alya smiling directly at the camera wearing a white shirt on a nature background.

As the world is increasingly interconnected, the nature of problems we face also evolves and becomes more complex. Ashoka is a place to find collective solutions for the good of all.

Ashoka Young Changemaker & AyoMaen
Headshot of AYC Shidqie smiling directly at the camera wearing a white shirt and a grey suit on a nature background.

It’s important to have a community like Ashoka because it allows us to access new knowledge and have support to move together. Change is unlikely to happen if only one person is involved

Ashoka Young Changemaker & MOCARO
Headshot of AYC Adinda smiling at the camera wearing a black hijab and white shirt on a nature background.