Creating Hybrid Value Chains

Teyfik Sahin in a classroom
Source: Gefangene helfen Jugendlichen

On May 18th, the World Bank will be hosting Bill Drayton, Founder of Ashoka and Valeria Budinich, Chief Entrepreneur for the Full Economic Citizenship Initiative at Ashoka, and co-authors of the Harvard Business Review article “A New Alliance for Global Change,” for a conversation on Ashoka’s breakthrough economic framework called Hybrid Value Chains, a model which creates new value, business profits and social benefits at every level of the economic pyramid. During the conversation, they will share updates on Ashoka demonstrations across sectors in housing, health care, water supply, alternative energy & agriculture, and across regions as diverse as India, Colombia, Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico.

Date:  May 18, 2011

Time: 10:30am to 11:30am – Networking Session with Ashoka Staff and Fellows

11:30am to 1:00pm – Conversation with Bill Drayton and Valeria Budinich

Location:   World Bank Eugene R. Black Auditorium (H Building)

RSVP: by Monday May 16th 12pm EST at [email protected]

Ashoka’s work seems rests on a new vision of leadership that is not top-down. And also on innovations that are not limited to changing one institution or one piece of the problem at a time – but aim to change whole systems.   Given Ashoka’s 30 years of experience with selecting over 3,000 Fellows, the guest speakers will address questions such as:


·     How does Ashoka know an innovative idea with the potential to change entire systems when it sees one?

·     What is new or particularly robust about the HVC framework? How is it different from corporate social responsibility, public-private partnerships, shared value, social impact investing and frameworks  focusing on the base of the pyramid?


Aleem Walji, Innovation Practice Manager, World Bank Institute

Jan Piercy, Executive Vice President, ShoreBank International

Toshiya Masuoka, Director, Inclusive Business Models, IFC

* The event will be available via live stream. URL link will be provided Tuesday, May 17th. Stay tuned.