Network Search

Title Type Country Focus of work Election Year Organization
Carlos antonio Bezerra da silva Fellow Brazil 1990
Josué de Oliveira Rios Fellow Brazil 1990
Andrew Nyathi Fellow South Africa 1990
John Wilson Fellow Zimbabwe Food security, Agriculture, Higher education, Natural resource management, Sustainability, Water management, Wellness 1990
Cyril Mooney Fellow India 1990
Nalini Nayak Fellow India 1990
Suryo wardoyo Prawiroatmodja Fellow Indonesia 1990
Iwan Mucipto Moeliono Fellow Indonesia 1990
Natee Teerarojjanapongs Fellow Thailand 1990
Mauricio Correa Leite Fellow Brazil Education / Learning, Adult education, Children & Youth, Development & Prosperity 1990
Aldanio Roberto Oliveira de Carvalho Fellow Brazil 1990
P. Muthu Fellow India 1990
M. B. Nirmal Fellow India 1990
Mara Ferreira Fellow Brazil Income generation, Business & Social Enterprise 1990
Raul Belens Jungmann Pinto Fellow Brazil Citizen / community participation, Law and legal reform, Criminal justice, Civic Engagement, Peace & Harmonious Relations 1990