Education Shakers Events

Education Shakers is an accelerator day for change making in education that takes place once a year.

Education Shakers is the kick-off event of the Education Innovation Programme, it is an accelerator day supporting innovative school projects that takes place once a year.

WHAT ? Through co-creation and collective intelligence methodologies, volunteer experts from different backgrounds help bring these projects to the next level to ensure their replicability to other schools!

WHO ? Communicators, designers, educators, geeks, philosophers, architects, policymakers, ... Anyone who wants to be part of the Changemaking Education revolution!

WHY ? Through this programme, Ashoka reaches a large number of schools and teachers making systemic changes from the bottom up, promoting an educational system that fosters social innovation!

WHAT'S NEXT ? These projects then become part of the Education Innovation Programme and benefit from financial support, the creation of toolkits for replication in other schools, access to a vast network of key actors and personalised follow-up!