I modelli educativi vincenti secondo The Guardian

The Guardian - Changemaker Schools
Source: The Guardian - Changemaker Schools

Il Guardian ha recentemente pubblicato un articolo in cui, citando anche il programma di Ashoka Scuole Changemaker, presenta alcuni modelli educativi innovativi che, al contrario del sistema attualmente diffuso, favorisce la creatività e l'empatia dei bambini e dei ragazzi. 

In the future, if you want a job, you must be as unlike a machine as possible: creative, critical and socially skilled. So why are children being taught to behave like machines? [...] There are plenty of teaching programmes designed to work with children, not against them. For example [...] the Reggio Emilia approach, developed in Italy, allows children to develop their own curriculum, based on what interests them most, opening up the subjects they encounter along the way with the help of their teachers. Ashoka Changemaker schools treat empathy as “a foundational skill on a par with reading and math”, and use it to develop the kind of open, fluid collaboration that, they believe, will be the 21st century’s key skill.