Let's seize this historic turning point

Your Investment Makes a World of Difference!
Sorgente: Your Investment Makes a World of Difference!

Dear Friends,

Major turning points always catch societies by surprise. They change the most basic structures of society.

They have the potential to lead to a wonderful place. An “everyone a changemaker” world is one:

  • Where problems cannot outrun solutions.
  • That is structurally far more equal because everyone is powerful.
  • Where everyone, not just the fortunate elites, can express love and respect in action – the root cause of happiness and health.

The alternative is a deeply divided, angry world.

The challenge for leaders – and all of us – is to recognize and welcome the fact that we are at a turning point – and now change everything from growing up to how we lead.

Ashoka has been learning by actually catalyzing framework shifting for decades. Its 3,600 of the world’s best social (for the good of all) entrepreneurs in every field and from every society – the Ashoka Fellows – enable it to see the patterns of the future. And these same Ashoka Fellows love and are really good at working with one another and Ashoka in engineering these maximum leverage framework changes. (Three-quarters of the Ashoka Fellows change the patterns in their fields at the national level within five years of launch.)

Ashoka is uniquely positioned to change the framework of how society sees the world but we cannot do it alone.

By giving a gift to Ashoka this holiday season, you enable us to increase the number of Fellows we elect next year. And help us to help society see and seize the historic turning point now before us. With great appreciation and the warmest of wishes for a brilliant 2017!


Bill Drayton