Sorgente: Alliances

In a world where societal challenges (climate, nutrition, health, energy, migration) are increasingly complex, it is necessary to develop innovative alliances between actors from different backgrounds (associations, companies, public authorities etc.) to pool their strengths and approaches and develop long-term solutions on a large scale.

Ashoka  Netherlands creates and carries partnerships between leaders, companies and social innovators, so that together we can develop innovative solutions with a strong social impact. Through dedicated programs and dedicated funding, these alliances offer extraordinary opportunities that combine the strengths of each to accelerate societal change.



Find below some examples of our partnerships:

HEALTH : Globalizer on health and lighting

Innovating for Sustainable Communities

Ashoka and the Philips Foundation collaborated to launch to launch a 6-month accelerator program: The Globalizer on Health and Lighting that helped 12 leading social entrepreneurs scale their innovations. These innovations include sustainable solutions that improve access to health and access to solar technology for last mile communities globally. Examples include Joost van Engen (Healthy Entrepreneurs), Ashoka Netherlands Fellow elected in 2016 and Abu Musuuza (Village Energy), Ashoka East Africa Fellow elected in 2014.

MIGRATION: reThink refugees

Innovative & System-Changing Solutions to Create Impact for Refugees and Host Societies

Ashoka and PwC teamed up with the municipality of The Hague and Tilburg University, to host a rethink refugees event in order to bring about international solutions for the integration and empowerment of refugees in The Netherlands. The 2 day event brought together experts from their fields, civil society initiatives, NGOs, academics, businesses, thought leaders, and public sector representatives, to find system-changing solutions for the blockages the refugees are facing within the current system.


Mapping Changemakers - “Building everyone a changemaker societies”

Ashoka and PwC came together to conduct a Social Impact Mapping Project, with the aim of visualizing the changemaker network in Netherlands. We created an overview of the different innovators in the fields of Healthcare, Circular Economy and Refugees in the Netherlands by visualizing this in a map.