
Title Type Paese Focus of work Filtra per anno Organizzazione
Purvi Shah Fellow United States 2020
Danielle Sered Fellow United States 2020
Francesca Cavallini Fellow Italy Salute mentale 2020
Claudia Ravaldi Fellow Italy Human Rights & Equity, Health & Fitness, Health care, Health education, Reproductive health, Infant health, Maternal health, Mental health 2020
Sarah Hüttenberend Fellow Germany 2020
Lisanne Knop Fellow Germany 2020
Salomé Berlioux Fellow France 2020
Stéphane Gigandet Fellow France Environment & Sustainability, Health & Fitness, Agriculture, Consumer protection, Eco products, Environment, Ethical consumption, Food security, Green consumption, Health education, News & knowledge, Nutrition, Transparency, Waste 2020
Diane Dupré La Tour Fellow France Peace & Harmonious Relations 2020
Debjeet Sarangi Fellow India 2019
Apar Gupta Fellow India Technology, Public policy, Law and legal reform, Human rights 2019
Colégio Novo da Maia Changemaker School Portugal Crianças e Jovens 2019
Agrupamento de Escolas do Cerco Changemaker School Portugal Crianças e Jovens 2019
Colégio MonteFlor Changemaker School Portugal Crianças e Jovens 2019
Schole Changemaker School Portugal Crianças e Jovens 2019