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Forbes Lubell interview
Origen: Forbes Lubell interview

Why Embracing Immigrants Brings Growth To Rust Belt Cities

This article originally appeared on Forbes

Communities around the country are becoming more prosperous by creating inclusive policies for immigrants and refugees. This interview with Ashoka Fellow David Lubell explains how communities can use this turbulent moment to transform themselves, how business leaders can plug in, and why welcoming is for everyone – not just those among us who are newcomers.

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Ashoka insight

Over time, we've found that by uniting people from all walks of life, and bringing long-time residents and newcomers into direct contact, communities realize much brighter economic futures. Many “Rust Belt” communities have adopted welcoming strategies to address population and economic decline.

There are cities like this all over the Midwest and Rust Belt, from St. Louis, to Detroit, to Buffalo, that are deliberatively starting to welcome newcomers while taking care to also support long-time residents. The result? Everyone feels welcome in their community and supported in reaching their full potential.