New Hungarian Ashoka fellow Monika Tóthné Almássy elected!

Tóthné Almássy Monika
Origen: Ashoka Hungary

We are very happy and delighted to announce that  Monika Tóthné Almássy has been elected as a new Hungarian Ashoka fellow!

Monika worked as a hospital teacher at a pediatric oncology ward for 15 years. She saw that although the medicals did everything they could for the children in long-term hospital care, there were still some gaps in the system. The HospiEdu (KórházSuli) programme was developed to bridge these gaps. It ensures that all children with a long-term medical condition have access to education that best suits their physical health and mental state, while school and healthcare workers also receive methodological support in children's rehabilitation process. 

Congratulations, Monika!