Ashoka Key Ideas

Browse the latest news and updates about what Ashoka is doing and thinking: storiesevents, and a curated collection showcasing the top insights from Ashoka's global community of change leaders.


You can find the curated collection of insights below:

Single white column on black background

The Two Pillars

Every organization have pillars that hold up its roof and keep it successful and thriving in an ever-changing world. Ashoka has two such pillars carefully designed to ensure its strength and vitality
Ilustración de una chica mirando su teléfono

Peligros y complejidades de utilizar chatbots en proyectos de asistencia

Como en muchos otros aspectos de la vida, pero en especial en tecnología, el tiempo es la clave. Quien lanza primero un producto, quien presenta antes una innovación o quien usa más aceleradamente una...
Colorful drawing of children inside books

Changemaking starts with changing the inside

A friendly smile framed by long, curly hair, with pinkish tips matching an intense purple wall in her background. That was the image we saw while talking to Victoria, a teacher to 7th and 8th graders...
The QUESTion Project

Making the Intangible Tangible in Education

As a teenager I struggled with a few fundamental questions: Who am I? How do I deal with and understand life and my experience? On what basis do I figure out what to do with my life? As those...
Wholeness Unleashing Power

Wholeness Unleashing Changemaking Power: Black, Queer & Muslim

“I felt very comfortable and very aware of the fact that Allah made me with all of my flaws and perfections but made me to be a queer Muslim because Allah makes no mistakes… ‘We don't reconcile...

What the Catholic Church can learn from the resurrection of Barnes & Noble

"Everything about this story is weird. Not only is a big-box store somehow having success against an online juggernaut; we’re rooting for it despite the fact that for years it was the juggernaut...
Dłonie trzymające puzzle

Texas Muslims Are Redefining Multi-Faith Collaboration

"'When we started, the goal was to bring people together by building relationships, breaking bread, by having dialogue and discussions, breaking down barriers through frank discussion,' said Ghani...
People standing in front of massive tree

Everyone, everywhere, all at once - the only way to address the climate emergency

In March 2023, UN Secretary General António Guterres spoke at the release of the UN’s 6th IPCC report. He was unequivocal: “In short, our world needs climate action on all fronts – everything...
Bob Smietana book

Why the decline of the church matters to everyone?

“In a world where polarization and fear often dominate conversations and relationships, Smietana says, people need what the church has. Sometimes that means skills such as asking forgiveness...
Eboo Patel

Interfaith America is building bridges of cooperation

“We need to learn how to build a social order that welcomes people from a range of identities and builds bridges of cooperation between and among us. I think that is done through a positive narrative...