Storytelling for Changemakers
Storytelling is a universal skill that can lead to real shifts of mindset in the person that sees or hears it.
'Change the narrative, change the world'
These storytelling workshops will share how to tell a story about the power and creativity of young people acting as Changemakers and SystemChangers in their own communities.
If you are between 14 and 25 and your 'hood is Tøyen or Grønland in Oslo, come along and bring a friend if you want to. No experience needed in storytelling or changemaking.
If you want to tell everyone about the amazing potential within every young person - including yourself - take this chance to explore how storytelling can help you do so.
The workshops will show you how to formulate and create a changemaker story, either in a visual or written format. The story can be about yourself or someone you know who is making positive changes in society.
In collaboration with Tøyen Unlimited, Plakathuset, Bydel Gamle Oslo, Sparebankstiftelsen DNB, Områdeløft Grønland og Tøyen, and Klaveness Marine.
Ashoka's LeadYoung is a global storytelling initiative that aims to demonstrate the power of a young person who has identified a problem, formed and led a team, and created a solution. Read more about it here:
Byggdet! is a series of workshops and interventions connecting the talents and creativity of young people in Grønland to Plakathuset - an evolving neighbourhood hub.