Lighthouse Community Charter School

Changemaker School
Fondation Sage logo
Network Member Since 2013

Lighthouse Community Charter School’s mission is to prepare students for a college and career of their choice. Lighthouse is committed to ensuring students are growing and developing as compassionate human beings, able to communicate across all lines, be upstanders in the face of injustice, see the impact of their actions, and stand up to make positive change when they see it needs to be made. With a 95 percent college acceptance rate and an 89 percent college persistence rate, Lighthouse is succeeding in ensuring low-income students’ fates are not predetermined by their zip codes. One key component of Lighthouse’s success is their commitment to serving the whole child. This is accomplished through a number of best practices: every child at Lighthouse is coached by at least one caring adult, the curriculum emphasizes the “upstanders” of history who fought oppression and “-isms,” and the school implements morning meeting, crews, and other group time to teach about conflict resolution, community building, and empathy.