The State of the Continent: Where Do We Stand with the Youth?

Cover photo Africa Youth Challenge

Africa, a continent teeming with youthful energy, stands at a crucial juncture in its history. With over 60% of its population aged 25 or younger, Africa possesses a remarkable demographic advantage, brimming with the potential for tremendous progress and innovation. However, the current reality paints a less optimistic picture. According to the African Development Bank, a staggering one-third of the continent's 420 million youth, aged between 15 and 35, grapple with unemployment. Another third face precarious work situations, while only one in six secures stable employment. 

This alarming statistic underscores not just the need for change but the urgency of the matter. Young Africans, enthusiastic and bursting with potential, find themselves disheartened, trapped in a cycle of joblessness or underemployment. Their dreams remain unfulfilled, their contributions untapped. The situation cries out for a solution, a new narrative that reignites hope and empowers the continent's youth. 

In the face of these daunting challenges, many young Africans question their ability to make meaningful contributions to society. The resounding question across the continent is this: How can we rewrite this narrative? How can we unlock the vast potential of Africa's youth and guide them toward a brighter future? 

The Opportunities to Change This Narrative 

Amid the complex challenges of youth employment in Africa, there is a shining ray of hope and opportunity. This hope doesn't come from a single place but from the energetic and determined young people of Africa. They are the ones who can lead the change, the force behind the transformation Africa needs so much. 

For more than 20 years, Ashoka has been working to create a culture of change, especially among young people. We've been right there with over 20,000 youth teams in 37 countries, helping them start and lead their projects to make the world better. These young changemakers have shown how powerful creative thinking, determination, and resilience can be. 

These young folks have used their natural creativity to tackle big problems, like improving education, and healthcare, or protecting the environment. They have endless potential, and their determination never falters. We want to help them use this potential to make big changes, not just in their own lives but in the lives of millions of Africans. 

Our goal is even bigger. In the next five years, we want to help one million young Africans. We want to inspire an "Everyone a Changemaker" movement that spreads all across the continent. 

The chance to change Africa's future is right in front of us. By giving young people the right tools and support, Africa can solve its pressing problems and benefit from the ideas and determination of its young people. With your support, Ashoka is ready to lead this change and help create a new generation of changemakers who will build a better future for Africa. 

How the Partnership with Ashoka Can Bring About a New Narrative 

The path to this transformative story begins with partnership. We're actively searching for like-minded partners who understand the vital role young people play in driving positive change across Africa. If you or your organization relate to any of these descriptions, we believe you're a perfect match: 

  • Corporations Interested in Partnership, CSR, and Youth Empowerment: If your business recognizes the deep impact of investing in youth empowerment and corporate social responsibility, then aligning with Ashoka is the way to go. By joining forces with us, you become part of a movement that's all about uplifting Africa's youth and nurturing the next generation of changemakers who will lead the way toward lasting progress. 

  • Organizations Committed to Positive Change in Africa: If your organization is wholeheartedly committed to making a meaningful difference in Africa and shares our mission, your collaboration can amplify our collective impact. Together, we can harness the vast potential of young people to address the most pressing challenges on the continent and promote inclusive growth. 

  • Decision-Makers with Resources and Support: If you're a leader with the resources, expertise, and influence to guide our campaign to success, your contribution is invaluable in driving change. By dedicating your resources and offering your support, you can help shape the future of Africa's youth, enabling them to take control of their destinies and contribute to a brighter tomorrow. 

Why Ashoka Is the Right Organization to Partner With 

Ashoka's strength lies not just in its mission but also in its unique role as a catalyst for change. Ashoka's mission is to guide, activate, and provide the resources necessary for changemaking to flourish. 

  • Our Network: Ashoka brings four decades of experience in pioneering social entrepreneurship and the "everyone a changemaker" ethos. Our extensive network comprises over 4,000 leading social entrepreneurs, known as Ashoka Fellows. These individuals are the driving force behind positive change across the globe. Furthermore, we collaborate with numerous businesses, schools, universities, and organizations that share our vision of "everyone a changemaker." This expansive network provides unique opportunities for potential partners to make a lasting impact. 

  • Youth Impact: Ashoka's commitment to empowering young people is more than just a statement; it's a call to action. We've worked alongside more than 20,000 youth teams worldwide, supporting them in launching and leading their social change initiatives. These young changemakers are living proof of the transformative potential of youth when equipped with the right skills and mindset. By partnering with us, corporations, organizations, and individuals can contribute to nurturing a new generation of changemakers ready to reshape Africa's future. 

  • Vision for the Future: Ashoka doesn't settle for isolated success stories. Our goal is to make changemaking a way of life for all young people. We utilize our extensive network to collaborate with influential institutions and media outlets capable of spreading our vision to a broader audience. Our aim is to create a world where every young person has the power to shape the changes they want to see. By partnering with us, you become a part of a movement that envisions a future where the youth are the architects of their destinies. 

What Partners Can Gain 

By joining hands with Ashoka, you're not just investing in a brighter future for Africa's youth; you're unlocking a world of opportunities for your organization or affiliation: 

  • Changemaker Brand: Your organization can stand out as a brand that equips young people with changemaking skills in Africa. This recognition doesn't only bring prestige; it reflects your dedication to fostering positive change on the continent. Through your affiliation with Ashoka, you'll gain valuable insights into young people's hopes, accomplishments, and challenges, offering invaluable knowledge about the youth landscape in Africa. 

  • Access to Top Young Talent: Partnering with Ashoka grants you access to Africa's most brilliant young minds. These changemakers are innovators, creative problem solvers, and fresh thinkers. They bring new perspectives and innovative solutions to the table, making your organization more agile and forward-thinking. 

  • Employee Fulfillment: Engaging your employees with a purpose-driven initiative can significantly boost their spirits and productivity. Through your partnership with Ashoka, you can provide mentorship opportunities, enabling your employees to share their wisdom and experience with young changemakers. You can also involve your staff in the selection of the best projects, fostering a sense of ownership and contribution. Moreover, your employees can participate in Ashoka's Future of Business online course and Visionary Program, enhancing their skills and knowledge. 

  • Visibility and Impact: Partnering with Ashoka offers the chance to create a viral moment that celebrates your commitment to youth empowerment. Such visibility can enhance your organization's reputation and generate goodwill. Additionally, the call for projects, widely shared across Africa, not only broadens your reach but also exemplifies your dedication to creating positive change in the community. 

  • Be the First: By teaming up with Ashoka, you have a unique opportunity to be a pioneer. Your support will make it possible to replicate Ashoka's successful U.S. youth challenge methodology in Africa for the very first time. This early involvement positions you as a trailblazer in youth empowerment on the continent, setting a precedent for others to follow. 

Get in Touch 

Whether you are a leader in a corporation, a foundation, or an individual deeply committed to social change, your engagement plays a pivotal role in shaping a brighter future for Africa. Join us in building a world where young people possess the skills and mindset to be the architects of positive change. Your involvement can be the catalyst that sparks a revolution of positive change in Africa. 

Together, we can rewrite the story for Africa's youth, offering them the opportunities they rightfully deserve and empowering them to steer the continent towards a brighter tomorrow. Reach out today, and let's embark on this extraordinary journey of transformation, growth, and progress, hand in hand with Africa's youth.