Hearts on the right side

Story by: Teresa Zorrilla

story mosaic

Mexico ??

Did you know that there are many people who have HEARTS ON THE RIGHT SIDE?  And that theses people are happier and ore fulfilled?

You probably know many people like this.  I assure you that their hearts are on the right side.

In a hug, the other's heart stay  on your right side.  Do you remember a hug with another person, who has overcome some pain, conflict, difference in age or approach?...

Those hugs from heart to heart, even exceed their temporality:  Its effect continues by sharing and recording part of that meeting.

I have alwas like hugs.  Beyond sensitivity, empathy and endhorphin results, for the meeting, dialogue and trust.  The respectful and trusting encounter with other people opens many horizons for us, starting from pleasant welcome.  It seems to me that spirituality drive us to those encounters.

In addition to hugs with family and friends, there are other encounters.  I remember the fatigue as a doctor in hospital guards, rewarded with the smile and health of the sick, and event the hug of their relatives.  In community projects such as the reconstruction of houses due to damage caused by floods or earthquakes, by working together and building houses, we build very strong bonds of brotherhood and friendship.  In projects with artisans, their dreams and embroideries light up our hearts.  By joining efforts with the women of Manos con Corazon in the elaboration of chocolate and mole, those delicios aromas and flavors open frontiers and new ties.  In the workshops with children and adolescents sharing thinking and communication tools, we learn from each other and rebuild hop in a more humane world.  In all those experiences of participatory projects, we find hearts on the right side.  More than the results we enjoy the processes, learing and encounters.  Hugs arise and we find ourselves as we are, without masks, with confidence, joys and shared dreams.

Yes, spirituality is enormous, it trascends us and encourages us to give ore meaning to limited corporality and to all our relationships with oneself, with others, with this earth, with everthing.  It is more than just a belief.  It is a life experience, and encounter that gives meaning to y life, a commitment to transform myself and transform reality into a more just and fraternal society.  And that has been my engine.

As my friend Lupita says: Faith is like when you try to be and follow in the footsepts of your best friend- Jesus, God, whatever you call him-: you try to know him better, to enjoy his company in good times and in the difficult moments of life, to keep getting to know him, to practice what your have learn.  I believe that we are called for love, the most powerful transforming force.  In my case, the teachings of Jesus in my family and all my relationships which have allowed me to get closer to other people, other cultures, religions, spirituality in search of finding and enjoying the meaning of life.

Is it for this reason that promoters of Salud en Manos del Pueblo wich we formed ore than 30 years ago, continue to communicate and serve their indigenous comunities? Is it for this reason that our sall organization Salud, Arte y Educacion is still alive, even when we lack financial resources?  And that the result in the Listening Center where I am as volunteer are even better when they are in the light of faith?

Thank your for the opportunity to meet people with hearts on the right side, cultivators ofd spirituality, all seekers of truth and life.