An Introduction to Systems Change

It's no secret that at Ashoka we believe that social entrepreneurship – the concept of an innovative solution to a social problem in the hands of an exceptional entrepreneur – is the key to solving society’s problems.

At the heart of every social entrepreneur’s ambition is to fundamentally change the system within which they work, so as to impact on the largest possible number of people, without the need for the entrepreneur to replicate their organisation or themselves. As Ashoka’s Founder and CEO, Bill Drayton, once said, “Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionised the fishing industry.”

At Ashoka, we identify and support those social entrepreneurs who have found an idea that is systems-changing; indeed, at the heart of our selection criteria is the notion of ‘a systems change idea in the hands of an entrepreneur’.

Ashoka Fellows change systems in five different ways:

  1. Redefining interconnections in market systems
  2. Changing the rules that govern societies
  3. Diminishing the gap between the private and citizen sectors
  4. Integrating marginalised populations
  5. Increasing the number of people who are social problem-solvers

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Purpose - The Guiding Star

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Strategy - A Plan of Action

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Impact - An Organisation's Footprint

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Learnings - The Wisdom Obtained

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