
Title Type Focus of work 選挙年 会社
Chaiwat Yaowapongsiri Fellow Thailand 1990
Ari Sunarijati Fellow Indonesia 1990
Badri Dahal Fellow Nepal 1990
Raul Belens Jungmann Pinto Fellow Brazil Citizen / community participation, Law and legal reform, Criminal justice, Civic Engagement, Peace & Harmonious Relations 1990
Merlong Solano Nogueira Fellow Brazil Rural development, Natural resource management, Development & Prosperity, Environment & Sustainability 1990
Mara Ferreira Fellow Brazil Income generation, Business & Social Enterprise 1990
M. B. Nirmal Fellow India 1990
P. Muthu Fellow India 1990
Aldanio Roberto Oliveira de Carvalho Fellow Brazil 1990
Mauricio Correa Leite Fellow Brazil Education / Learning, Adult education, Children & Youth, Development & Prosperity 1990
Natee Teerarojjanapongs Fellow Thailand 1990
Iwan Mucipto Moeliono Fellow Indonesia 1990
Suryo wardoyo Prawiroatmodja Fellow Indonesia 1990
Cyril Mooney Fellow India 1990
Nalini Nayak Fellow India 1990