The Role of Empathy in a World of Exponential Change

In a world of rapid change, society is confronted by an increasing number of complex challenges and opportunities. Ensuring solutions will outpace problems requires effective collaboration and the ability to organize into fluid teams-of-teams, where every player must be a contributor and a leader.

Effective collaboration in this environment is only possible with empathy: the ability to understand and respond to the feelings of others. In a changemaker world, empathy is as fundamental as reading, writing and math. This creates a new social imperative to ensure that every child fully develops their own innate capacity for empathy.

One hundred years ago, accelerating change had reached the point that society needed everyone to be literate. Now society needs everyone to be ready to thrive in a world of constant, rapid, exponential change as a skilled changemaker. It needs every young person, parent, and educator to grasp this new paradigm for success in growing up — and in life.

Learning to #LeadYoung

Our understanding of the changemaking power of young people comes directly from our community of 3,500 Ashoka Fellows. 55 percent of our Fellows work directly with young people, and of that group, 53 percent put young people in charge of leading initiatives and projects within their organizations. Further, almost half of our Ashoka Fellows started their first changemaker ventures before the age of 21.

Building a Networked Movement with Key Partners

At Ashoka, we are working every day to build and cultivate a community of change leaders who see that the world now requires everyone to be a changemaker. Together with the Ashoka Young Changemakers and Ashoka Fellows, we collaborate to transform institutions and cultures worldwide so they support changemaking for the good of society. Among our key partners are Changemaker campuses, Changemaker schools and school districts, aligned youth-serving organizations, community leaders, schools of education, teachers’ unions, religious organizations, media partners, publishers, as well as businesses and government leaders.

Empatia e programmi di cambiamento dei giovani

I programmi Youth Years operano in tutto il mondo con diverse modalità, che prevedono lo sviluppo di strategie di co-creazione con gli imprenditori sociali, le imprese, le scuole e gli educatori, per facilitare le opportunità di apprendimento, favorire lo sviluppo dell’empatia e promuovere l’innovazione sociale guidata dai giovani.

Ashoka Young Changemakers

Ashoka Young Changemakers è una rete globale di giovani che stanno disegnando un mondo guidato dal motto “Everyone a Changemaker”, tutti sono agenti del cambiamento. Ogni giovane changemaker eletto ha lanciato un'iniziativa sociale, formato un team guidato da altri giovani e creato soluzioni per il...
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Crescere Innovatori

Ashoka Crescere Innovatori (Youth Venture®) attiva i giovani changemaker lavorando con gli educatori, le scuole, i genitori e le aziende per creare un ambiente in cui essi possano portare e mettere in pratica le quattro competenze chiave che secondo la nostra esperienza caratterizzano un changemaker...

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Ashoka U

Ashoka U sta lavorando a livello istituzionale per fare la differenza nella formazione di milioni di studenti, al fine di realizzare la visione di Ashoka di un mondo in cui ognuno può diventare attore del cambiamento. La collaborazione con i college e le università nasce dall’esigenza di abbattere...

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