Empowered to Empower: Because in Him I move, I live and have my being ... and others have become so!

Story by: Sally

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Philippines ??

Grew up amid the political upheavel in my country where I saw poverty, oppression, and injustices.  I did not know much then. I only remember the slum area where I grew up, the gang wars in the neighborhood, the long queus I lined up for the food rationing, the many men/women, students, workers went missing later found dead and the growing incessant angst of the powerless masses as Martial Law took control!

When my father retired, we moved to southern Philippines, where the cries of the masses and suppression amplified in the rural setting. I still did not understand much, yet it left an indelible mark in my young mind and heart.  I screamed with adults for freedom and justice for my people.  I wanted to be at the forefront to ensure that my people live better lives. Youthful ecstacy maybe, as my father said, I am not sure!  All I knew then, that there must be a better way of living life!

In God's providence, while passion for change raging within my radical mind, I was drawn to theology - to the word of God, specifically to the person of Christ.  But I had my crisis when I was in the university.  I came to my wit's end that I truly hated life, my past, everything around and within me that I wanted a new life. Maybe in desperation that nothing changed after all the striving for better grades and the screaming for justice and equity.  I wanted to end my life, but I was reminded of the scripture saying that if anyone be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away, behold all things are become new. (2 Cor 5:17).  In simple faith, I wholeheartedly believed this and trust that Christ will indeed make all things new for me. I was too tired of my life, that I knew no other way but this!

Nothing dramatic changed after, but my excitement for life, what it can become with all its beauty and ugliness, has grown day by day.  Even until now!  I have come to know the Lord more and grown to love HIM deeper.  I learned that the LORD I worshipped is involved with the day to day lives of everyone. Not just with those who believe on HIM, but even with those who do not! He so loved the WORLD regardless how it has become and how it seems to be degenerating.  He is making it new. With this, I found hope for the people whom I long to see living quality life could also find their life and being in Christ!

Immediately after university graduation, instead of being employed, I joined a Health Care Training Ministry that trained individuals on how to use their hands to bring healing to bodily ailments while also sharing the message of hope. This started my life-long journey of engaging with people from all walks of life in various capacities and sphere of influences towards life-changing encounters in Christ.  It has been 31 years since my full-time voluntary work in serving the communities and individuals, and I have seen the transforming power of love, faith and grace of God at work across all kinds of people - it knows no boundary and no limit.

My first 5 years were in healing ministries, not only healing people's body pains, but also on their being. Another 4 years on board Doulos ship for international exposure and service.  The last 22 years, working among marginalized families and communities.  Empowering street children and-out-of-school youth navigate life until they can stand on their own and help/lead others towards better living.  Helping communities rebuild after disasters struck.  Engaging and training the church in holistic development.