Diversity and Inclusion

At 17, Gino Tubaro started transforming kids with disabilities into super heroes

At the age of 17, Gino Tubaro received a letter from a desperate mother. “Please make my boy, Felipe, a hand,” it said. “We cannot afford a prosthetic.” Gino had been inventing things since the age of 13. His own mother had taken him to science fairs and invention workshops, pushing him to follow...
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Peyton Klein: Creating a two-way stream of inclusion

When new immigrant and refugee students started coming to her school, Peyton Klein saw the possibility for mutual learning and support.
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Josh: Ensuring everyone is a player in Phoenix, Arizona

After meeting a friend’s brother who loved to play soccer but was excluded from the team because he has Down Syndrome, Josh became determined to find a way.
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Sarah: Fostering inclusive environments in schools

Sarah and her team did not just start a club, they started a movement - a movement to change how her peers think about and interact with students with intellectual disabilities.
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#LeadYoung - JP Maunes: aux Philippines, mettre l’inclusion et l’accessibilité sur le devant de la scène

En avril 2016, JP Maunes est devenu un personnage important aux Philippines lorsque son interprétation en langue des signes au cours d'un débat de campagne présidentielle houleux a amené un bon nombre d'éminentes personnalités médiatiques à le désigner lui comme le vainqueur. Les images des mains...
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#LeadYoung - Temple Grandin: Les meilleurs catalyseurs du changement commencent dès leur plus jeune âge

Temple Grandin, diagnostiqué autiste quand elle était petite, a révolutionné l'industrie de l'élevage. En s'imaginant elle-même à la place du bétail, elle développa une série de modèles d'équipements et un simple système de classement qui permit à l'industrie d'adopter de nouvelles pratiques...
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