Social entrepreneurship


This collection of stories is about social entrepreneurs that Ashoka Switzerland supports. This term describes an individual who conceives of, and relentlessly pursues, a new idea designed to solve societal problems on a very wide scale by changing the systems that undergird the problems. This definition includes two critical components.  

  • First, the entrepreneur must seek to create impact on a wide societal scale; he or she will not rest until the new idea has been broadly adopted at the national and even international level.
  • Second, the entrepreneur must seek systemic change, defined as the fundamental reform of existing societal systems and/or the creation of new ones. -Levinger, Crutchfield and Wells.

We are proud to present all these amazing changemakers to you! Just scroll down the page to find all their stories. And you can visit our general webpage on social entrepreneurship for more information.

The Guide to the 7 key questions

all social entrepreneurs should ask themselves

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Our new fellow elected in 2016

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Conor Bohan

Help apoya a jóvenes que tienen un promedio escolar alto a nivel secundaria por medio de becas universitarias, vivienda gratuita y programas de formación integral.
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Sasha Kramer

Soil está solucionando problemas de sanidad en Haití por medio del alquiler de sanitarios portátiles que recolecta residuos para luego convertirlo en abono fértil.
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Alejandro Marius

Trabajo y Persona brinda capacitación a jóvenes ayudándolos a formar parte de la fuerza laboral venezolana con un modelo 360 que garantiza el éxito del proyecto.
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Emily Stone

Al fomentar la colaboración comunitaria entre los pueblos indígenas en Guatemala y Belice, Emily Stone se une al mercado del cacao y mejora el proceso de calidad.
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Sebastian Salinas

Ballon promueve programas de experiencia para desarrollar conexiones. Sebastián trabaja para el desarrollo sostenible en América Latina.
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Peter Bloom

Rhizomática ayuda las comunidades rurales de México a poseer sus propios servicios de telecomunicaciones de manera sostenible a través de la telefonía móvil.
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Juan Pablo Larenas

Con Sistema B, Juan Pablo Larenas está creando una comunidad global de empresas y agentes de cambio que forman parte de la nueva economía.
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Carlos Atencio

A través de un modelo comunitario sostenible de atención médica integral y capacitación continua, Medicina Familiar brinda atención médica de alta calidad a bajo costo.
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IMPACT Program

Ashoka Switzerland has been support Changemakers in its IMPACT Program from 2012 to 2014

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Caroline Kant: caring for children suffering from life-threatening diseases

While working at Merck Serono in the research and development (R&D) knowledge management department, Caroline Kant discovered many drugs sitting on the company’s shelves, waiting to be researched on, and which could become part of a much needed solution to treat rare diseases.
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UBS launched International search for trailblazing social innovators

The UBS Social Innovators Program was launched with support from Ashoka in July 2016. It aims at selecting and supporting social entrepreneurs, who deliver innovative solutions to society's most pressing challenges at the national and international level. This tailored package of support will...
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Caroline Kant: caring for children suffering from life-threatening diseases

While working at Merck Serono in the research and development (R&D) knowledge management department, Caroline Kant discovered many drugs sitting on the company’s shelves, waiting to be researched on, and which could become part of a much needed solution to treat rare diseases.
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