Consciousness in education is a solution

Story by: Agustin Mier y Teran

Mexico 🇲🇽

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From pain to grace. 
My life was marked from a very young age by multiple catastrophic events, that included family, school and health. Leading me to a very close experience with death. 
When I realized that life was giving me a new opportunity, I began an intense search to give meaning to my life. It was during my university development where I had to live an academic experience that led me to change my career choice over 5 times. Far from radicalizing or turning me into a senseless revolutionary, full of frustration and hatred, I began to see my story not as a sequence of unfortunate events but as a possibility full of significant opportunities, and without intending it, I became a change maker that offered a way to invoke consciousness in the educational development and thus charge this life changing decision for multiple teenagers that are about to choose a career, with high significance. 

During the time of this incredible exploration, my spiritual development was converging with the creation of significant educational models where the inner development of the student was the basis of everything else, transforming a mere utilitarian decision in a process of conscious development without even proposing to it. This has originated hundreds of change makers in various educational, business, artistic, etc. sectors.

Today we are a space for reflection, awareness and development so that from personal change our productive approach can shape highly productive people with a 100% practical deep spiritual approach full of meaning.

We discovered during practice, that if the most important decisions of our life are truly decided by spirit, they generate much more than deciding from joints and/or mere utility.

Iyengar, the creator of the yoga method in which I am engaged, has a phrase that explains with great clarity the focus of my work, he said "what was my pain, let it become the basis of your joy".

Over the years I realized that spirituality comes with time and practice. Because spirituality is not rituals, it is not postures (asanas) or meditation, it is making your life a practice and a real coherence between what you think, say and do. 
Spirituality is outside the MAT, the Zafu and the malas, it is in how you live your life, how you relate with the people around you but above all- how you live with yourself. 

With time I knew that what I was looking for was not outside and that just by seeing myself with the eyes of my own spirit, I could confirm that it was “I” was I looking for.

From this approach, we’ve stopped having plans and we only define objectives, we surrender in plain faith to something bigger in all of our projects. This is what now defines our guidelines and work ethic. The state of surrender has not only given me lots of certainty, but also a joyful exploration of the outside world and my own. This is where I draw the ideas, strength and love that I seek to provide to those whom the universe decides to put in front of us, in order to give our model and our teachings.

Thank you for considering spirituality as the source for an authentic, accessible and joyful transformation.