• We now live in a changemaker world.

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Un nou barometru privind atitudinea și percepția românilor despre rolul lor de creatori ai schimbării în societate

Încrederea românilor în organizațiile non-guvernamentale (ONG-uri) percepute drept creatoare de schimbare a crescut, în special în rândul tinerilor – arată cel mai recent barometru realizat de Fundația Ashoka România privind atitudinea și percepția românilor despre rolul lor de creatori ai...
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Lansăm, în parteneriat cu Training Café, 12 sesiuni de învățare pentru creatorii de schimbare din societatea civilă

În prezent, trăim într-o lume a schimbării. În ultimii 30 de ani, societatea civilă a crescut si s-a maturizat in România, a testat și a construit modele eficiente de soluționare a unor nevoi sociale. De asemenea, orientarea paradigmei sociale înspre impact colectiv a început să fie din ce în ce mai...
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Ashoka Romania Impact Report 2021

Since our inception as a Romanian office in 2017, we have been in constant remodelling of our strategy so that we ensure we align with the international vision and are able to plug-in the best international opportunities and expertise to the local ecosystem. We also take into account the local...
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Ashoka România, Fonduri-Structurale.ro și 2Tokens lansează raportul analizei pieței de finanțare socială din România

Ashoka România alături de Fonduri-Structurale.ro și 2Tokens lansează raportul Social Finance Market in Romania , o analiză a pieței de finanțare socială ce urmărește nivelul de maturitate al sectorului atât din perspectiva antreprenorilor sociali sau creatorilor de schimbare, cât și din cea a...
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Social Finance Month: Funding Systems Change

Over the last 4 years Ashoka has been a loyal partner to social entrepreneurs and changemakers all over Romania and what we have continuously learnt from them is that to this day access to financing opportunities remains the biggest barrier to accelerating a local ecosystem prone to social...
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Ashoka Programs in Romania

For 3 years Ashoka Romania has been building a network of top social innovators in Romania. We have already selected 6 Ashoka Fellows that generate systemic changes in areas such as health, journalism, nature conservation, civic participation, the fight against human trafficking, and building the identity of Roma women. We create an ecosystem in which social innovators can grow: an environment in which the legal and social framework is in order, an environment in which their work becomes visible and an environment that supports their plans for social change through knowledge, strategic partnerships, mentoring, financial instruments, ideas, and commitment.

Venture: Selecting our Ashoka Fellows

Ashoka searches the world for leading social entrepreneurs through an intensive, human-centered process, selecting them into our global, trust-based fellowship of peers
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Ashoka Support Network

The Ashoka Support Network is a global community of committed leaders who share, support, and advocate for Ashoka’s values and vision, while unleashing their own potential as changemakers.
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Ashoka's Priorities and Theory of Change

Ashoka focuses on four strategic priorities to help people understand and adapt to a world of accelerating change, where everyone is called on to be a leader: 


Social Entrepreneurship

Ashoka selects world-class social entrepreneurs who are leading the way to an everyone-a-changemaker world.

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Empathy & Young Changemaking

Ashoka is leading a movement to transform how young people grow up so they thrive in today’s rapidly changing world where everyone must be a changemaker. Changemaking starts with empathy.

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Organizing for Changemaking

Living and working in our changemaker world requires breaking through silos, tearing down walls, and organizing in fluid, open, teams of teams.

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Ashoka is the best way of doing good.

Andrei Pogonaru
Member of Ashoka Support Network
andrei pogonaru asn romania

Ashoka is a community of ideas from which you can start building anything.

Paul Radu
Ashoka Fellow
paul radu ashoka fellow ro

What Ashoka gives me is the feeling of feeling young and fighting for my dream. Along with Ashoka, I am happy to feel young again.

Dorica Dan
Ashoka Fellow
Dorica Dan

I didn't met Ashoka, Ashoka met me. At the perfect time. Ashoka gave me visibility and opportunities to reach different people around the world.

Florin Stoican
Ashoka Fellow
florin stoican ashoka ro