Wanĵîkũ - The Evolving Beloved Integrated Healer

Story by: Wanjiku J. Mwangi

story mosaic

Kenya ??

My name is Wanĵîkũ.

Mũîthîrandũ wa Mbarî ya Waratho Wa Ngũre, Gîthakũ Kîa Wangũ.

I am the granddaughter of Sarah Wanĵîkũ and John Kũrîa Gacanga, Phyllis Wangũ and John Kũrîa Kîarîe.

Daughter of Rev. Margaret Wangarî and the late Rev. Dr. James Kîarîe Kũrîa.

By Divine Providence, I am a Mother of five; two babies who are with the Ancestors; Baby and Thayũ Kîheo and three babies who are with me; Wendo,Thayũ and Ũtũgî.

In gifting and vocation I am a Teacher, a Spiritual Companion and an Integrated Healer.

In a world - humans and creation - that has been and continues to experience multilayers of trauma, I am consciously availing myself as an evolving healer to do my part in guiding humanity into healing. My work as a Teacher, Spiritual Companion and Integrated Healer, rests heavy on my Ancestors; beginning with the Great Ancestor, the Divine Being. I move in their wisdom, their guidance and their ways. I am aware of the privilege I hold to have been born when I was, to be exposed to the world as I am, to learn what I learn, to practice my gift as I do; privilege that was not available to my human Ancestors. My maternal grandmother Wanĵîkũ spoke life over me for as long as she lived. She named the gifts in me and spoke destiny about them. And when I awoke to the voice of my Ancestors it was my paternal grandmother Wangũ who welcomed me in. I am the fulfillment of my Ancestors prayers, the answer to their wildest dreams, the tongue that frees their bound tongues.

Integrated Wholeness matters to me. When I speak of Integrated Wholeness, I speak of Emotional, Spiritual, Social, Mental and Physical wellbeing. When we are whole, we are conscious, present and aware. We are living at our highest being, despite and inspite of what could have happened to us in the past or presently. Whole with the Divine, whole with ourselves and whole with our neighbor - human and creation. Integrated Healing involves me being a companion to people in their healing journey. Teaching my clients - individuals and groups - to harness resources available to them is one of the most fulfilling parts of my vocation. These resources include faith and spirituality, community - Ancestors and those with us and the entire community of creation - nature and creatures. My faith - Indigenous Faith (includes creatures and creation - past, present and future) intertwined with Anglicanism - is the base and fuel for my work. My identity is based on being Beloved by the Divine.

Introducing people to some of their oldest friends like their breath, their own bodies, to grandmother water, to mother earth - soil and seeing what that does to them is always humbling. To know that we are surrounded by love, gentle care and help is always a portal that welcomes most into their healing journey. A couple of moons ago, I had the honor to co-create, guide and provide aftercare for an Embodied Workshop in Harrisonburg, Virginia. The experiential healing space was created around the five senses. Through the time together, I taught and guided participants (online and in-person) into their bodies through activating conscious hearing, seeing, smelling, touching and tasting. Through simple yet profound activities, Spirit was so present, awakening, healing, embracing and being with us all. Ancestors were welcomed into the room and portals into hitherto blocked resources and experiences were opened. 

I am grateful to be who I am. To do what I do.
To be Wanĵîkũ, The Evolving Beloved Integrated Healer.