Solar Sister invests in women’s clean energy businesses in off-grid communities in Africa. We put clean power in the hands of the people.

#Solar_energy; #Women_entrepreneurship; #Community_development; #Tanzania; #Nigeria


Solar Sister Ranch Community Longido

Solar Sister invests in women’s clean energy businesses in off-grid communities in Africa. We put clean power in the hands of the people. Solar Sister addresses the energy poverty that affects 1 billion people globally who live without access to electricity by empowering women with economic opportunity. We recruit, train and support women from energy-poor areas who are interested in entrepreneurship and passionate about bringing light and clean energy to their communities. We combine clean energy technology with this deliberately woman-centered direct sales network to bring light, hope and opportunity to last-mile communities in Tanzania, Nigeria and beyond.


To date, Solar Sister has supported over 4, 000 entrepreneurs, (of which 83% are female), who have reached over 1.6 million people in Africa with clean energy. This represents over 290,000 products sold.

Founded by Ashoka Fellow Katherine Lucey