
Everyone a Changemaker

Max and Sam Strickerberger: Uplifting voices through cultural dialogue in Washington D.C.

Max and Sam harness the collective power of storytelling and young voices through co-leading a network of students.
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Anshul Tewari Created India’s Largest Youth Media Platform at Age 17

Anshul Tewari was dismayed that cultural taboos are producing “a culture of silence that is pushing an entire generation away from changemaking.”
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Bill Drayton: "Once a young person has had a dream, built a team, and changed their world… they will be a changemaker for life"

In elementary school I could not imagine why I was being tortured by Latin or Math, and my perception of soccer was chiefly that of being a crashee. But I loved starting things, especially newspapers. Once I had saved enough to buy a mimeograph machine (the prior technology being typing hard with as...
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